• Raise the sails of cooperation and sail for a successful tomorrow. Thank you for your support.  Thanksgiving Day Jiangyin Jingu Machinery CO.,LTD wish you a thriving business, bonanza, great plan
  • Nov 19,2021.our factory shipped two coil nail making machines and two thread rolling machines  to the India.our costomer is satisfied with our products.Precision manufacturing customer oriented.Develop rea
  • 1. The high-speed nail making machine subverts the traditional nail production process and uses automatic control to fundamentally solve the existence of nails produced by traditional nail making machines: long
  • Many friends who have not inspected the nail making industry think that why are so many people joining the nail making industry? How profitable is it to produce such a small nail?1} Small risk: The nail making
  • I don’t remember since when, there was a slogan of turning waste into treasure. With the goal of saving resources, everyone is very much in favor of it. Now many places have done this, allowing many waste produ
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